優秀論文賞 受賞論文
清島 亮 (慶応義塾大学医学部 一般・消化器外科)
Effect of biologics on the risk of advanced-stage inflammatory bowel disease-associated intestinal cancer: A nationwide study.
Seishima R, Okabayashi K, Ikeuchi H, Uchino M, Futami K, Noguchi T, Ohge H, Iseki Y, Watanabe K, Itabashi M, Okamoto K, Toiyama Y, Ogino T, Nakamura M, Yamada K, Wakai T, Sato Y, Kimura H, Takahashi K, Hida K, Kinugasa Y, Ishida F, Okuda J, Daito K, Koyama F, Ueno H, Yamamoto T, Yamamoto S, Hanai T, Maemoto A, Arakaki J, Komori K, Akagi Y, Shida D, Yamaguchi S, Matsuda K, Maeda K, Noake T, Nezu R, Sasaki S, Hasegawa J, Sunami E, Kanemitsu Y, Katsumata K, Uehara K, Kiyomatsu T, Suto T, Kazama S, Yamada T, Goi T, Ishihara S, Ajioka Y, Sugihara K.
Am J Gastroenterol 2023; 118(7): 1248-1255
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城山 真美子 (筑波大学附属病院 消化器内科)
Renal impairment as a risk factor for trifluridine/tipiracil-induced adverse events in metastatic colorectal cancer patients from the REGOTAS study.
Shiroyama M, Fukuoka S, Masuishi T, Takashima A, Kumekawa Y, Kajiwara T, Yamazaki K, Shimada Y, Esaki T, Makiyama A, Moriwaki T.
Sci Rep 2023; 13(1): 17931
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山田 一隆 (大腸肛門病センター高野病院)
Characteristics of anal canal cancer in Japan.
Yamada K, Saiki Y, Komori K, Shiomi A, Ueno M, Ito M, Hida K, Yamamoto S, Shiozawa M, Ishihara S, Kanemitsu Y, Ueno H, Kinjo T, Maeda K, Kawamura J, Fujita F, Takahashi K, Mizushima T, Shimada Y, Sasaki S, Sunami E, Ishida F, Hirata K, Ohnuma S, Funahashi K, Watanabe J, Kinugasa Y, Yamaguchi S, Hashiguchi Y, Ikeda M, Sudo T, Komatsu Y, Koda K, Sakamoto K, Okajima M, Ishida H, Hisamatsu Y, Masuda T, Mori S, Minami K, Hasegawa S, Endo S, Iwashita A, Hamada M, Ajioka Y, Usuku K, Ikeda T, Sugihara K.
Cancer Med 2022; 11(14): 2735-2743
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佐藤 美信 (藤田医科大学)
Management of inguinal lymph node metastases from rectal and anal canal adenocarcinoma.
Sato H, Maeda K, Kinugasa Y, Kagawa H, Tsukamoto S, Takahashi K, Nozawa H, Takii Y, Konishi T, Akagi Y, Suto T, Yamaguchi S, Ozawa H, Komori K, Ohue M, Hiro J, Shinji S, Minami K, Shimizu T, Sakamoto K, Uehara K, Takahashi H, Sugihara K.
Colorectal Dis 2022; 24(10): 1150-1163
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山口 達郎 (都立駒込病院 遺伝子診療科)
Clinicopathological characteristics of low-grade appendiceal mucinous neoplasm.
Yamaguchi T, Murata K, Shiota T, Takeyama H, Noura S, Sakamoto K, Suto T, Takii Y, Nagasaki T, Takeda T, Fujii M, Kagawa Y, Mizushima T, Ohno Y, Yao T, Kishimoto M, Sugihara K, Study Group of Appendiceal Neoplasms in the JSCCR.
Dig Surg 2021; 38(3): 222-229
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井上 彬 (大阪急性期・総合医療センター 消化器外科)
Open versus laparoscopic surgery for primary appendiceal tumors: a large multicenter retrospective propensity score-matched cohort study in Japan.
Inoue A, Murata K, Komori T, Takeda T, Fujii M, Yamaguchi T, Masuishi T, Shiota T, Morita S, Suzuki Y, Ito M, Kanemitsu Y, Shiozawa M, Yasui M, Kagawa Y, Sugihara K, Study Group of Appendiceal Neoplasms from the Japan Society of Colorectal Cancer Research Group.
Surg Endoscop 2021; 35(10): 5515-5523
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松井 信平 (慶應義塾大学医学部外科学教室 一般・消化器外科)
Analysis of clinicopathological characteristics of appendiceal tumors in Japan:a multicenter collaborative retrospective clinical study- a Japanese nationwide survey.
Matsui S, Murata K, Fukunaga Y, Takeda T, Fujii M, Yamaguchi T, Kagawa Y, Mizushima T, Ohno Y, Yao T, Doki Y, Sugihara K.
Dis Colon Rectum 2020; 63(10): 1403-1410
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佐田 春樹 (独立行政法人国立病院機構呉医療センター・中国がんセンター 外科)
Prevalence of and risk factors for thyroid carcinoma in patients with familial adenomatous polyposis: results of a multicenter study in Japan and a systematic review.
Sada H, Hinoi T, Ueno H, Yamaguchi T, Inoue Y, Konishi T, Kobayashi H, Kanemitsu Y, Ishida F, Ishida H, Tomita N, Matsubara N, Sugihara K.
Surg Today 2019; 49(1): 72-81
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神藤 英二 (防衛医科大学校 外科)
A new N staging system for colorectal cancer in the era of extended lymphadenectomy.
Shinto E, Hida JI, Ike H, Kobayashi H, Hashiguchi Y, Hase K, Ueno H, Sugihara K.
Ann Surg Oncol 2018; 25(13) :3891-3897
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星野 伸晃 (京都大学 消化器外科)
Nomogram for predicting anastomotic leakage after low anterior resection for rectal cancer.
Hoshino N, Hida K, Sakai Y, Osada S, Idani H, Sato T, Takii Y, Bando H, Shiomi A, Saito N.
Int J Colorectal Dis 2018; 33(4): 411-418
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森脇 俊和 (筑波大学医学医療系 消化器内科)
Propensity score analysis of regorafenib versus trifluridine/tipiracil in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer refractory to standard chemotherapy (REGOTAS) : a Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum multicenter observational study.
Moriwaki T, Fukuoka S, Taniguchi H, Takashima A, Kumekawa Y, Kajiwara T, Yamazaki K, Esaki T, Makiyama C, Denda T, Satake H, Suto T, Sugimoto N, Enomoto M, Ishikawa T, Kashiwada T, Sugiyama M, Komatsu Y, Okuyama H, Baba E, Sakai D, Watanabe T, Tamura T, Yamashita K, Gosho M, Shimada Y.
Oncologist 2018; 23(1): 7-15
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固武 健二郎 (佐野市民病院)
Gender differences in colorectal cancer survival in Japan.
Kotake K, Asano M, Ozawa H, Kobayashi H, Sugihara K.
Int J Clin Oncol 2016; 21(1): 194-203
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岡 志郎 (広島大学病院 内視鏡診療科)
Local recurrence after endoscopic resection for large colorectal neoplasia: a multicenter prospective study in Japan.
Oka S, Tanaka S, Saito Y, Iishi H, Kudo SE, Ikematsu H, Igarashi M, Saitoh Y, Inoue Y, Kobayashi K, Hisabe T, Tsuruta O, Sano Y, Yamano H, Shimizu S, Yahagi N, Watanabe T, Nakamura H, Fujii T, Ishikawa H, Sugihara K, Colorectal Endoscopic Resection Standardization Implementation Working Group of the Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum.
Am J Gastroenterol 2015; 110(5): 697-707
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塩見 明生 (静岡がんセンター 大腸外科)
Effects of a diverting stoma on symptomatic anastomotic leakage after low anterior resection for rectal cancer: a propensity score matching analysis of 1,014 consecutive patients.
Shiomi A, Ito M, Maeda K, Kinugasa Y, Ota M, Yamaue H, Shiozawa M, Horie H, Kuriu Y, Saito N.
J Am Coll Surg 2015; 220(2): 186-194
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石黒 めぐみ (東京医科歯科大学大学院 応用腫瘍学講座)
Changes in colorectal cancer care in japan before and after guideline publication: a nationwide survey about D3 lymph node dissection and adjuvant chemotherapy.
Ishiguro M, Higashi T, Watanabe T, Sugihara K, Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum Guideline Committee.
J Am Coll Surg 2014; 218(5): 969-977.e1
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小嶋 基寛 (国立がん研究センター東病院 臨床開発センター)
Pathological diagnostic criterion of blood and lymphatic vessel invasion in colorectal cancer: a framework for developing an objective pathological diagnostic system using the Delphi method, from the Pathology Working Group of the Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum.
Kojima M, Shimazaki H, Iwaya K, Kage M, Akiba J, Ohkura Y, Horiguchi S, Shomori K, Kushima R, Ajioka Y, Nomura S, Ochiai A.
J Clin Pathol 2013; 66(7): 551-558
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秋吉 高志 (がん研有明病院 消化器外科)
Results of a Japanese nationwide multi-institutional study on lateral pelvic lymph node metastasis in low rectal cancer: is it regional or distant disease?
Akiyoshi T, Watanabe T, Miyata S, Kotake K, Muto T, Sugihara K, Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum.
Ann Surg 2012; 255(6): 1129-1134
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白水 和雄 (久留米大学 外科)
Clinical significance of the mesorectal extension of rectal cancer: a Japanese multi-institutional study.
Shirouzu K, Akagi Y, Fujita S, Ueno H, Takii Y, Komori K, Ito M, Sugihara K, Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR) on Clinical Significance of the Mesorectal Extension of Rectal Cancer.
Ann Surg 2011; 253(4): 704-710
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上野 秀樹 (防衛医科大学校 外科)
Actual status of distribution and prognostic impact of extramural discontinuous cancer spread in colorectal cancer.
Ueno H, Mochizuki H, Shirouzu K, Kusumi T, Yamada K, Ikegami M, Kawachi H, Kameoka S, Ohkura Y, Masaki T, Kushima R, Takahashi K, Ajioka Y, Hase K, Ochiai A, Wada R, Iwaya K, Nakamura T, Sugihara K.
J Clin Oncol 2011; 29(18): 2550-2556
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